REMI is a Christian mission with its base operations in Accra, and duly registered with Charity Number G-25,689 Limited by Guarantee under the Laws of the Republic of Ghana, and with the Social Welfare Department.
REMI has subsidiaries called Agro Samaritan and My Care Volunteering. Agro Samaritan which is a Christian-based farming organization, meant to use farming as a mission tool to raise funds towards missionary work in the Nation Ghana and nearby Nations within the continent. My Care Volunteering is aimed at welcoming Volunteers from all walks of life and around the world with developmental programs to help in building Communities to change lives.
Purpose of the gathering
Inauguration of REMI’S Board of Trustees and Constitution Review
The Background of REMI:
How it started!
In the year 2000 the Lord spoke to Samuel Michael Duncans and said: “Gather the youth and disciple them”. So he heeded the call by starting a fellowship called the Royal Evangelistic Ministry Internationalin Teshie-Accra. This later became known as Royal Efficacy Ministry International (REMI) because during registration they had to change the ‘Evangelistic’ to Efficacy since an existing organization already had that part of the name.
The main activities of this fellowship are Bible Study, Prayer and Evangelism.This continued until the year 2004 when he visited a mission field at Bisi Ase in the Ga South District of Ghana.Here the conviction and compassion for rural mission work arose in him upon seeing the needs of the people. In the year 2007, he started the first mission work with REMI at Alorkpem Island in Ada East District of Ghana.
To lead people to Christ irrespective of their background, culture or history while raising influential leaders to impact communities and cities for nation building.
REMI will be doing intensive missionary work in the near future to reach out to many areas as possible for Christ.In doing this, REMI also seeks to meet the physical needs of the people such as providing clean drinking water, Schools and Health Care facilities. This is because preaching the gospel to people but leaving them in their deprived states would not fulfil the full aim of the gospel because Jesus Christsaid in Matthew25: 42 – 45
For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,Vs43.Iwas a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I wassick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
Vs44.They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or neededclothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?Vs45.He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever youdid not do for one of the lease of these, you did not do for me.’
We need to make a compassionate move as the Lord’s army to fulfill his will on earth!!!
Short – term goals
- Drilling of Boreholes
- Renovating existing schools.
Medium – term goals
- To establish and run orphanages in these communities
- To build basic schools (Pre-Primary)
- Building Community Health Centers
- Organizing youth seminars to build leadership capacity
- To build vocationaland technical training institutions
The Expected Roles and Support of Board Members
Board members are expected to bring onboard diverse ideas and use their acquired expertise to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in order to advance the vision of REMI which is to fulfil the Great Commission.
The gospel is life and needs money to be conveyed. Every board member is entreated to support REMI financially via monthly contributions to keep the vision running. This will also encourage other friends and family members to be willing to support REMI since the monthly support would serve as an indication of their commitment to REMI.
General Meeting in Every 6 Months/ How to get people involved:
There is going to be a Board Meeting in every six (6) months during which mission field stories of REMI will be told with a treat. REMI would give a report on what has transpired on the field in the last six months and plan the way forward with the board during the meeting.Board members will be entreated to invite family members and friends of same faith to attend these meetings for them also to get to know about the vision REMI so that they might develop the interest and want to be part of what God is doing with us.
It is essential for us to leverage various media (Print and Electronic) to promote REMI’s vision and activities. This is essential to raise awareness and draw others to our cause.
Broadcasting of REMI’S programs on the airwaves
Sharing of REME’S flyers, especially when trying to convince someone who can be a potential to our Vision.
Using of social media is effective in reaching the global audience, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and many others. Therefore, everyone isencouraging to like
REMI, AGRO SAMARITAN and MY CAREVOLUNTEERING pages, and like the posts and tag friends, more effectively is to invites your friends you like those pages, this is a way of telling our story globally, the more people hear our story, the more people will be willing to take part in our activities, so folks go ahead and tell our story. You will not do the Kingdom we are serving in good if you are keeping our stories.